Large Single Gear Metal Fidget Spinner

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Large Single Gear Metal Fidget Spinner is great for restless minds and fidgety hands. The hand spinner is designed for fidgeters suffering from Autism, anxiety, and other maladies for people to de-stress and focus better. Hold the spinner in one hand and use the other hand to spin it rapidly using small continuous strikes to keep it spinning indefinitely. With practice, the spinner can be spun using one hand only using the fingers of one hand to stop and start spinning. These are perfect pocket pieces for people wanting something small, simple, discreet and fun. It is also effective for focus, stress relief and deep thought.

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Descrizione prodotto

Large Single Gear Metal Fidget Spinner is great for restless minds and fidgety hands. The hand spinner is designed for fidgeters suffering from Autism, anxiety, and other maladies for people to de-stress and focus better. Hold the spinner in one hand and use the other hand to spin it rapidly using small continuous strikes to keep it spinning indefinitely. With practice, the spinner can be spun using one hand only using the fingers of one hand to stop and start spinning. These are perfect pocket pieces for people wanting something small, simple, discreet and fun. It is also effective for focus, stress relief and deep thought.

- 1-3 minute average spins spinner fidget
- Great toy for fidgeters
- Flick and spin for hours with just one or both hands
- Great for anxiety, focusing, ADHD, Autism, quitting bad habits, staying awake

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Large Single Gear Metal Fidget Spinner.

  • Prezzo: 106,82 ₪ - Disponibile
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