Buckyballs Nickel Edition 216 Balls

Disponibilidade: Em estoque

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Twist them, turn them, combine them in new ways for truly imaginative desktop creations. A package includes 216 powerful rare earth magnets, each with two poles – one side repels, the other attracts – for unlimited shape-shifting and de-stressing to your heart’s contentment. Shape and mold them any way you like in a single color—or mix ‘em and match ‘em. Let your imagination run wild!

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Descrição do produto

Twist them, turn them, combine them in new ways for truly imaginative desktop creations. A package includes 216 powerful rare earth magnets, each with two poles – one side repels, the other attracts – for unlimited shape-shifting and de-stressing to your heart’s contentment. Shape and mold them any way you like in a single color—or mix ‘em and match ‘em. Let your imagination run wild!

Please note we sell this product in generic packaging.


Informações adicionais

Buckyballs Nickel Edition 216 Balls.

  • Preço: ₹2.191,59 - Em estoque
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